Pros and Cons of Different Types of Hail Resistant Shingles

Hail-resistant shingles are a type of roofing material that is designed to withstand impact from hailstones. There are several different types of hail-resistant roofs on the market, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we will compare and contrast the most popular types of hail-resistant shingles so that you can […]

How Long Does A Thatched Roof Last

A Thatched roof is a roof that is made from materials such as water reed, straw, grass, bracken fern, sedge plants, and wood shingles. In some areas, they are referred to as “thatch roofs” or “thatch-thatched roofs” though the term applied can vary depending on the dialect or language of the region in which they […]

How Long Does a Metal Roof Last?

How long does a metal roof last considering it’s a bit more expensive than regular asphalt roofs. Metal roofs are the most durable of all types of residential and commercial roofs. The life expectancy of a metal roof is between 50 and 100 years, and some manufacturers claim they can last almost indefinitely. Metal roofs […]

Roof Types In Texas

What are the most common roof types in Texas? This is probably the best specific questions you can ask yourself as a Texan trying to replace their roof. A lot of people choose their roofing material based off of looks, and although that is a big factor when selecting a roof type, you should also […]

All the Parts of a House Roof

What are the parts or layers of a roof on a house? That’s one of the best questions a homeowner can ask to make sure they understand what they are getting in their new roofing system. In this article, we walk you through step by step of each parts of a house roof and what […]